


naomi & goroというボサノヴァの2人組と菊地成孔(きくちなるよし)というJazz Sax Playerのコラボレーション。Jazzとボサノヴァに限ってない選曲。特別に作られた一枚ということを差し引いても全曲完成度高いです。この二組、ちょっと追いかけてみようと思ってます。

  1. The King of Rock’n Roll
  2. Cinema
  3. Brigitte
  4. Two Kites
  5. One on One
  6. The Girl from Ipanema
  7. Só Tinha de Ser Com Você
  8. A Banda
  9. カレンジュラ
  10. Aquarela do Brasil
  11. いちばん小さな讃美歌

昨夜、host motherからメールが送られてきました。仲良くやってるみたいで嬉しかったです。

Dear Kenichi Wakabayashi,
It’s hard to believe that the three weeks is almost to an end!
I’ve really enjoyed having Lisa here, and I hope that she’s had some valuable experiences.


Our little girls were very excited when she came back. They said, “Lisa’s here! Lisa’s here!”
Lisa is still very quite, but she has been talking to us more and more.
I can tell that her English is getting better, and I’m very impressed with her reading and writing skills.
Our daughters love to go into Lisa’s room and talk and play with her.

I’m sure that you miss your daughter very much, and you will be happy to have her home soon.
I am grateful that we’ve been able to have here at our house; she feels like a member of our family now, and I know our little girls will miss her very much when she is gone.

Thank you for letting Lisa come here and stay with us.
I’ve attached 2 pictures of Lisa with our daughters. I hope that you can view them. Have a good day!
